Policy which can assist you in the release of an impounded car from seizure by the police

When you produce your car documentation to the impound, you will be required to produce insurance documentation valid for a minimum of 30 days. All our policies are sold on a 30-day policy basis.

Not all policies are acceptable, as some standard insurance policies specifically exclude use for releasing cars from impounds.

This policy is specifically designed for that purpose. It’s a 30-day policy for Impounded Car Insurance.

The cover level is for Third Party Only.

If you have been served with a Section 165A seizure notice by the Police for not having motor insurance on a car, this policy will give you sufficient insurance documentation to recover the car.


Under section 165A of the Road Traffic Act 1988, the Police have the power to seize any vehicle that is being driven without a valid insurance policy or where the driver does not hold a valid driving licence.

If the driver has committed the offence or the police cannot establish insurance cover at the roadside, the car will be seized and taken to the impound, where you will be charged a release fee plus a daily storage charge until the vehicle is collected.

There is a strict time limit of 14 days as explained in the S.165 notice that will be handed to you at the roadside.

After this date, there is a risk that your vehicle will be crushed. Supernova brokers can provide impounded vehicle insurance we deliver your certificate of insurance by secure email as soon as the policy is brought.

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Reasons to use an insurance broker rather than a comparison website

  • Personalised service to you as a customer
  • 24/7 Support for your insurance needs
  • No Headaches searching for insurance, as broker we can obtain cover car & home insurance.
  • We provide the correct cover for your needs to ensure you’re fully covered.
  • Cheaper rates through our finance partners.